KEMAL MAKINE was founded in 2002. GAZİANTEP ŞEHİTKAMİL 25 December san.sit operates in the production of GIDA MAKINE. It is one of the most important manufacturers in the world market in terms of capacity and product range in CHOCOLATE PACKAGING. It has always played a leading role in the application of advanced industrial solutions for machines that can make packaging in the form of fully automatic and semi-automatic. Kemal Makine, Chocolate & Food, Mask, Bread, Biscuit, Pasta, Confectionery, Meat, Fruit, Vegetables, Oils and Fats. In addition to the production of packaging machinery, it also develops plant-specific packaging lines integrated into production lines.
KEMAL MAKINE was founded in 2002. GAZİANTEP ŞEHİTKAMİL 25 December san.sit operates in the production of GIDA MAKINE. It is one of the most important manufacturers in the world market in terms of capacity and product range in CHOCOLATE PACKAGING. ....Read More
هذا الطعام المفيد لأمراض ضغط الدم معروف أيضًا بقدرته على زيادة هرمون السعادة. الأنواع الأكثر شيوعًا هي الحليب والبندق والشوكولاتة الداكنة والأبيض. يستخدم بشكل خاص للتخفيف من مشاكل الاكتئاب والأرق والتوتر.....Read More
Chocolate is a food that many of us, big and small, love to consume. Chocolate, which is among the most enjoyable foods to eat since childhood, is beneficial for health, especially the dark one.....Read More
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